Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried to answer all your frequently asked questions, so you have a terrific event!.  If there is something you can't see on the list - don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be happy to help you out.

What happens on the day?

Detailed information will be emailed to all confirmed participants prior to event day. Do take the time to read it, and ask any questions at registration.

Rack your bike as directed by the announcer and marshalls. (Racks are not numbered - TEAM racks will be in a separate section of transition)

Duathletes begin with a short run up the road around a cone and back to your bike

Everyone will start in alphabetical waves. The swim direction (Nth/South, South/North) depends on the drift - the aim is to finish the swim opposite the launching ramp.

Have fun and feel fit, fulfilled and fabulous as you cross the finish line or hand over to your next team member. The On the Day page in your Registration pack also has the full information.

Can I enter the day?

Absolutely! Late entries are taken online up to 7.30am on the day. (If there are places available)

A late fee of $10 applies from midnight 9th Feb.

You still need to register in person on Sunday and collect your race pack.

What are the age groups?

  • 12 – 15 years old

  • 16 – 19 years old

  • 20 – 29 years old

  • 30 – 39 years old

  • 40 – 49 years old

  • 50 – 59 years old

  • 60 – 69 years old

  • 70+ (yes we do have 70+ women participating)

What about the Under 12's?

Under 12's may participate in the fun run or team events (excluding the cycle). Minimum age for swim in team 8 years.

What should I wear?

We suggest the following:

If you're swimming, we suggest you wear your togs for the entire event.


  • Wear your KWT swim cap. (compulsory)

  • Wear a sports bra under your togs.

  • You may wear a wet suit during the swim. It does give a bit more buoyancy in the water and is a bit warmer too. Put some baby oil around the cuffs and ankles so it will slide off more easily after the swim.

  • If you are going to wear cycle shorts for the bike ride, wear them in the swim as they are hard to put on wet/damp skin. If you are wearing running type shorts for the ride and run/walk, put these on after the swim.

  • Goggles are a good idea.


  • Safety approved helmet.

  • No headphones.

  • No bare torso. 

  • You may choose to wear shorts over your togs – up to you.


  • Wear shoes for the run/walk.

What are "wave starts"?

Start waves are by age group. Each wave has approximately 50 women. Some waves will be a mixture of age groups. You are advised of your start wave and approximate time at registration.

What if I can't come on the day?

Please see our cancellation policy.

Entries may be transferred to another individual for a $15 transfer fee. Transfers may be actioned up until 4pm the Tuesday prior to the event.

If you have ordered merchandise please contact us to arrange pick up or delivery ($10 postage)

What if the weather is bad?

The event is held wet or fine - the Event Director will modify the course if necessary for safety reasons, e.g. a shorter swim or a wade.

Keep an eye on social media and ensure you are at the compulsory event briefing for updates.

Changes, cancellations and fees.

Please read on to view our policy going forward.

Early Bird Pricing: Is available from the date entries open until 1 December. 

Late entries | Fee of $10 is applicable after midnight on 9th February. Late entries will be accepted only if places are available.

Changes to Entries | Category changes and updates need to be made online by midnight 9th February. Changes can also be made at event registration.

Transfers | Entries may be transferred to another individual for a $15 transfer fee. Transfers can be requested up until midnight 9th February.  We do not transfer into subsequent years.

Cancellation/Refund Policy | If you are unable to participate in the event for reasons of injury/illness/other reason you can make a written request for a full refund (excluding a 6% admin/booking fee) up to one calendar month prior to event day. Up to 9th February you may be able to receive a refund of 50% (excluding a 6% admin/booking fee).  There are NO refunds for requests received within 2 weeks of event day.

In the extremely unlikely situation of the event being cancelled because of extreme weather or other factors, no refunds will be given.

Please note that no refunds are available for entries transferred from 2021 or 2022.

What are entering and registering?

Entering is your purchase to race (online).

Registering is checking in with us to get everything you need to race (race bib, timing chip etc) and confirm you’re on the starting list.

What should I bring to eat or drink?

For most athletes, eat a good breakfast before arriving. Consider a water bottle on your bike and there is a drink station (water) on the run course.

There are food stallholders at the event. Additionally the Waterfront Bar has appropriate menu and takeaway options for the event.

Where should I park?

We recommend parking at either Raumati Beach Primary School (on Raumati Rd), or in Kapiti College carpark, Margaret Rd, (not on any grass area please).

There is however plenty of parking in nearby streets.

No parking on the bike course PLEASE (Matatua ,Wharemauku, Tui and Alexander Rd).

Do I need to be able to run?

No, walking, running, jogging or a mixture is fine – this is about challenging you to achieve what you can on the day.

Can I bring my children?

We love seeing kids being inspired – however we do not provide childcare facilities so you will need appropriate supervision.

How many people are in a team?

Triathlon teams can consist of 2 or 3 participants. Duathlon and Swim/Bike events are usually two. Each person completes one discipline each.

Team changeover and who wears the timing band?

The transponder (timing device) will be changed from person to person - It has a velcro strap to make this easier. This is worn around your ankle only.

Change overs/tagging teammates will take place in a designated change over zone in transition. You will be advised on details of this area at race briefing.

Do I need to stay for prizegiving?

No (its not compulsory) but yes if you can, it is a fun way to celebrate our achievements all together. Major spot prize winners must be present to receive their prizes.

Are there any grants available to help with entry costs?

If the cost of entering this event is a problem for you please email us and let us know – we may be able to help.


Coffee vendors will be onsite – bring your reusable coffee cup.

Ordering merchandise

Merchandise can be ordered up until midnight 9th Feb. This ensures it will be ready for you to pick up when you register.

Please chose your size carefully. There are no refunds or exchanges.

There will be limited merchandise available for purchase at registration if you miss out. This is on a first come first served basis.

If for some reason you can no longer make the event, you can chose to have your merchandise sent to you for $10 postage and packaging. You are able to cancel your merchandise order prior to midnight 9th Feb. 

Big thanks to these 2023 event sponsors for the great prizes!